Kary Mullis is helaas overleden in 2019.. ’toevallig’ vlak voordat zijn test
als verankerde graadmeter wereldwijd gebruikt zou worden in een geniaal georganiseerde pl4ndemi€……

De uitkomst van het apparaat is een grafiekje wat zegt dat er ‘iets’ is gemultipliceerd.
Het zegt niet ‘wat’ er precies is vermenigvuldigd….


Kary Mullis Inventor Of The PCR Test EXPOSES Fauci & His Criminal Cabal

Goerge Reilly was stunned when he found out that this one veggie could be so harmful it was silently making his type 2 diabetes a living hell…

👨‍🔬Breaking research reveals there’s a green veggie that worsens blood sugar levels

Find out which “healthy” veggie it is…
Is it: Zucchini? Bell Pepper? Peas? or Kale??🌿🌿🌿

>>CLICK HERE NOW to reveal the shocking answer
(👉 https://bit.ly/3yb06cV )

👩‍🔬Scientific studies show that it’s absolutely true…
The high levels of lethal toxins in this common veggie are banned in Europe…

Yet when they accumulate in your body they ATTACK the pancreas and liver, making it impossible to regulate your blood sugar…

If you do everything right but you feel you’re getting nowhere with your blood sugar control….
This could be the “missing piece of the puzzle” that’s been holding you back from a healthy, happy, fulfilled long life…

There’s only one way to find out how to avoid it and that’s to click below:

>>CLICK HERE NOW👉 https://bit.ly/3yb06cV Discover the 1 Common 🌿Veggie to Avoid that SPIKES Blood Sugar Levels

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